A LinkedIn friend responded to a comment I made and said; ‘Time, audience/receivers all play a part.’
I believe it is time to write with no holds barred.
I read an article entitled ‘The couple who helped decode dyslexia – The Shaywitz’s’.
I am intrigued by why people swallow ‘Hook line and sinker’ anything and everything written by so called ‘experts’.
Here are a few excerpts and my comments and please feel free to question me on my comments.
People with dyslexia have trouble separating words into phonemes, the sounds that correspond with each part of a word. For example, the word “dog” is broken down into the phonemes “duh,” “aah” and “guh.”Hearing these discrete sounds is a vital part of learning to read. But people with dyslexia hear the word only in its entirety: “dog.”