A teacher who has more than 50 years’ experience in teaching
decided to use my books made available to her.
She started teaching a 6.5-year-old kid and then a 5-year-old kid and has recently started teaching a 4.5-year-old kid.
Dyslexia - A different perspective: My experiences teaching children with dyslexia.
Here is another video clip in this post where the phonemes represented by letters are read wrongly and yet the university student in Australia is able to read the nonsense words easily.
Is she reading using SSP or by analyses?
We need an early phonics check, like the one recently trialled in South Australia, to ensure that readers are not lost to literacy early. As many phonics advocates have maintained, let’s place a warning sign and a fence at the top of the cliff instead of parking an ambulance at the bottom of it.
"When educators understand how the brain learns to read we are compelled to reexamine our previous beliefs about why students struggle."
Do you really need research reports to tell you that consonants should not be taught with extraneous sounds?I have given you what I have learned directly from my students.If the Anglo world does not understand should they not do research?
Accept a Little Professional HumilityJust as I finally accept some great truth in teaching, someone comes along and shows me that the Emperor has no clothes. Take a short trip into the world of today's education research, and you'll find many teaching practices we hold dear now suspect.