The following is a tweet by me to Sue Lloyd Replying
@NarelleLynch1 and @RobertSlavin
Here is another video clip in this post where the phonemes represented by letters are read wrongly and yet the university student in Australia is able to read the nonsense words easily.
Is she reading using SSP or by analyses?
Here is Sue Lloyd’s Reply to @luqmanmichel @NarelleLynch1
and @RobertSlavin
Research, I once read, stated that analogy didn't start until a child had a reading age of 7+. Also we know that some children are able to crack the alphabetic code by themselves. Other children have to be taught precisely how to do it. That's why SSP is so important.
Replying to @suelloydtcrw @NarelleLynch1 and @RobertSlavin
If it is true that analogy starts at 7+ the more the reason to teach the correct sound symbols.
The question is, how did that girl in the video read the nonsense words when the sound symbols she was reading is not in accordance with that taught by SSP?
There was no response from Sue Lloyd or Robert Slavin. How
do we progress when questions are not responded to?
I don’t know much about cognitive development but the
following is worth a look at. I extracted it from an article found here.
The third level, usually called
formal operations (Inhelder and Piaget, 1955/1958), first emerges at age 10-12
in middle-class children in Western cultures. Children develop a new ability to
generalize across concrete instances and to handle the complexities of some
tasks requiring hypothetical reasoning.
In 1989 Goswami and colleagues
proposed a relational primacy hypothesis, arguing that analogical reasoning is
fundamentally available as a capacity from early infancy but that children’s analogical performance increases
with age due to the accretion of knowledge about relevant relations.
Goswami suggested that children are unable to reason analogically
prior to achieving formal operations at approximately 13 or 14 years of age.
There seems to be a consensus, with
substantial empirical support, that four of these large-scale reorganizations
occur between ages 4 and 18. At approximately age 4, middle-class children
develop the capacity to construct simple relationships of representations,
coordinating two or more ideas. The capacity for concrete operations emerges at
age 6-7, as children become able to deal with complex problems about concrete
objects and events. The first level of formal operations appears at age 10-12,
when children can build general categories based on concrete instances and when
they can begin to reason hypothetically. Abilities take another leap forward at
age 14-16, when children develop the capacity to relate abstractions or
Connecting the dots of what I have been writing with the
above appears to explain why kids catch up on reading despite being taught the
wrong phonemes of consonants approximately at the age of 13 or 14 as stated by
Goswami above.
A major percentage of kids are able to read via analogy when
they are in the higher primary or early secondary education.
This is the more reason why we should teach the correct
pronunciation of phonemes of consonants.
Pamela Snow has complained about university students being
unable to write decent sentences.
If a large proportion of students begin to read via analogy
only when they are in late primary or early secondary would it then be
surprising that they are unable to write correct sentences when in the
university? This is something for Pamela Snow to look into.
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