Here is a post on LinkedIn by John Corcoran and my comments.
This guy couldn't read and yet was teaching high school for 17 years.
John Corcoran CEO of John Corcoran Foundation Inc. and Education Management
I grew up in the dark shadow of illiteracy. I often think about what my life could have been like if I had learned to read at age 8, instead of age 48.
Today, over 60% of children in the U.S. are not reading at grade level. That is around 44 million children who will never maximize their fullest potential, no matter how smart or clever they may be, unless they learn to read.
We cannot leave them behind.
Our mission is to facilitate the prevention and eradication of illiteracy in adults and children. We call on others to join the mission.
"People for whom English is a second language will understand this better". I understand and empathize with them too, I think of my oral language as my first language and the written language as my second language. The written is the dominant language for success in the school house and in the workplace. Learning how to read and write is a blessing and dream come true for me. John