Sunday, February 24, 2019

Notes for parents and teachers (Part2)

I regret that the uploading of my book on the internet will be a little delayed as we are having a little problem with sound recording.

Meanwhile here is part two of 'Notes to parents and teachers' which will be part of the book.

Dolch Word (Sight words) list

From 50-75% of all words used in school books are in the Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 words.

These 220 words are the most frequently used words in the English language. In order to achieve reading fluency it is best to get your student to memorise these words.

Dr. Edward William Dolch developed the list in the 1930s by studying the most frequently occurring words in children’s books.

Once a child knows this list of words, it makes reading much easier, because the child can then focus his attention on the remaining words.

Some of these words cannot be easily sounded out because they employ complex phonetic rules to be decoded, or are otherwise phonetic exceptions. As such they are best learned as sight words.

All the Dolch words can be taught before children finish the first grade in school. 

Although most of the 220 Dolch words are phonetic, it is best that children learn these words as sight words. For those who say that memorisation is not easy think of the Chinese school children who have to memorise about 600 words per year for each of the 6 years in primary school. All my more than 70 over students since 2004 have learned to memorise all the sight words within 4 months.

By memorising these words they will recognize these words automatically which facilitates reading fluency.

The fact is that all of us are sight word readers; we do not sound them out.

In this book I use both sight words and phonics to teach children to read. Follow the instructions closely and your student will be able to read at grade level by the end of the year.

This book will help you to teach the decoding process by using phonics. As your student begins to recognize more words, he will gradually transition to sight word reading.

Reading can be quite slow in the beginning, when very few words look familiar to the child. But after a learner has sounded out a word multiple times, he or she will find it easier to recognize by sight, which is to say he or she will be sight reading.
Teaching a word over and over again may seem pointless but repeated exposure will eventually do the trick. Children need plenty of practice reading sight words before you can consider them learned.
I have introduced 5 sight words per lesson for the first 5 chapters and then 8 words per chapter for the remaining 25 chapters. No child will have problem learning to memorise these words. By the end of the 30 chapters all children will be able to decode, decipher and use context to read new and unfamiliar words.

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