Yesterday, 15.6.2022 was Jack's 10th Day with me. The ninth day was on 24th May 2022.
My only request from Jack's mother when she visited me on the first day was for her to make sure that she spends at least 15 minutes per day teaching him the 8 Dolch words to be memorised. I stressed that I will stop teaching Jack if she does not do this.
Yesterday, I asked her to sit in with Jack while I taught him. He could spell all Dolch words to lesson 12 but not a single word from lesson 13. In addition he did not bring his exercise book in which I add the new 8 Dolch words.
Below is an email I wrote this morning to the principal of the tuition centre who had sent Jack to me.
Good morning,
This is to keep you informed.
Yesterday, Jack’s mother came and I requested her to sit with Jack to see what he has learnt to date and how she can help him to read at home.
Jack came without the only exercise book that he was told to bring each time he came. I wrote 8 Dolch words in it on 24.5.22 for him to memorise at home.
He completed his 9th visit on 24.5.22 when I gave him the sight words from lesson 13.
Yesterday was his 10th day with me. He could not spell even one Dolch word from lesson 13.
I asked Jack in the presence of his mother what he does when he returns home and he said he takes his bath and then plays on his tablet until dinner is ready. After dinner, he watches TV until it is sleeping time.
If his mother cannot see that he has progressed so much in just 1 month and I have another 3 months with him, I do not want to waste my time with Jack.
Of course, his habit of guessing will go on for a while more but...
Luqman Michel
Note: I added the last sentence as, at a zoom meeting with the principal and 3 of her teachers on 13.6.2022, the teacher teaching Jack had told me that Jack still guesses.
Of course, he has formed this habit over 3 years to avoid shame of not being able to read like his classmates. This habit will take a bit of time to get rid of.
What is important is that Jack is able to read and spell words that he could not when he came for tuition with me.
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