Thursday, January 12, 2023

MOE to moniter and provide intervention

I am busy with year end accounting work and my fight with the developer of Vistana Heights who has connived with the surveyor and architect to produce fraudulent as-built survey plan and amended development plan to obtain occupancy certificate. Read more about this on my blog post at

Meanwhile, here is my email to the current minister of education which she has not even bothered to confirm receipt of. 

luqman michel <>
Tue, 3 Jan at 11:02
Dear YB Puan Fadhlina,

Re: Monitoring children at risk of dropping out.

I refer to your statement in the Daily Express Sabah today, 3.1.2023, which said the following:

MOE will continue to monitor and provide intervention for pupils who are at risk of dropping out so that they continue to stay in school until they complete form 5.

A majority of these at-risk students are a result of confusion created by teachers teaching wrongly.

Kids requiring intervention can be easily reduced by not 'creating' such students in the first place.

I am not a trained teacher but in 2004 I was cajoled into teaching a smart kid who was unable to read even a single sentence in English even though he spoke good English at home and had gone to kindergarten and primary one.


I was curious why this smart kid was unable to read in English. I am proud to say that at the end of 2021 he received a double degree from the University of Southern Australia.


To understand more about such students, most of whom are classified as dyslexic, I started teaching more such students and have taught more than 80 such kids on a one-on-one basis. Many of them became top students in their schools and have received degrees from universities.


These are smart kids who are encouraged to take up art and vocational studies in schools. If they are taught correctly, they can be great scholars and end up as professionals.


I would be more than willing to give talks to kindergarten and grade one teachers to ensure that more teachers understand why such kids leave school as illiterates.

I teach such students for 2 hours per week for 3 months and wean them off.


Please read how I helped a desperate mother in Victoria, Australia to coach her son to read. She was at wit’s end as her son was unable to read even though he had gone for special tuition for a year. She is a Master of Education and a school teacher in Australia.

Here is an explanation of the above post:

You may also read testimonials of parents of such kids who I taught so as to figure out why such smart kids were unable to read.


Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.

Thank you and kind regards,

Luqman Michel

HP 0198500258

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