Sunday, July 21, 2024

Teachers from China screwing up Pinyin


The video below was what started me on my journey to find out if there were other teachers teaching Pinyin the way this teacher, Melody JY Lyu @Mandarin Melon is teaching. LINK

Since then, I found several other teachers on Face Book and YouTube teaching pinyin this way. This is detrimental to kids learning Pinyin.

This is similar to what I had discovered and written in my book Shut Down Kids. The Chinese teachers and politicians ought to get a copy of this book.

Since the discovery of this YouTube video which I posted in another blog, I have discussed this matter with teachers teaching in China and Taiwan and found out many kids there are unable to read in Pinyin and in English. The reasons are similar to my discovery on why kids around the world are unable to read in English.

I even started teaching a kid free of charge in China. The father of the kid was adamant that the sounds represented by the letters should be as taught under the Zhuyin fuhao style. After 8 lessons I stopped teaching the kid as the father insisted the sounds to be taught according to what he and his son had studied.

I made the following comment on the YouTube video above.

Thank you for this video, teacher. Many teachers teaching English teach phonics. This is the first video where I hear Pinyin pronounced similar to phonics. Does anyone else in China teach this way, please? Do schools use this as a method to teach Pinyin?

I did not receive any reply.

On 22.6.24 I complained to YouTube which answered as below:

If we find this content to be in violation of our Community Guidelines, we will remove it.

As of today the video is still there.

For those interested in finding details please listen to the video at the following time stamps.

At minute 3.08 she says (mwo) mo en for men.

At minute 3.25 it is ne yi for ni?

At minute 3.39 te ah for ta?

At minute 5.49 ne ah for na?

At minute 9.10 le yi ang for liang?

At minute 18.20 it is he ao for hao. 

At minute 42.42 it is (bwo) bo ah for ba. 

The above continues throughout the video.

Is this the way to teach Pinyin? Could any teacher in Taiwan or China answer this question?

Since the teacher and YouTube did not remove the video, I have written to many of the Chinese authorities who seem to close their eyes to my complaint. I have highlighted this matter to our Education minister Puan Fadhlina Sidek who as usual does not respond. Not one of my Chinese friends care to even share my posts. What should I do next?As I mentioned earlier 'Qi hu nan xia' - it is difficult to get down after mounting a tiger. .

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