Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Irresponsible teachers


I am recording this in my blog for posterity. This shows the irresponsible people who write whatever comes to their minds without thinking about how it affects others.The irresponsible comments below refer to a Heinemann Reading Curriculum.

Kathleen Seeman, MEdKathleen Seeman, MEd  • 1st • 1st Dyslexia Specialist and Interventionist, Master Teacher, Educator, AdvocateDyslexia.

WOW!! About time this wrong is righted! “The case could also break new legal ground. Stuart Rossman, who oversaw litigation at the National Consumer Law Center for 25 years, said he wasn’t aware of any previous class-action lawsuits over literacy curricula”

 Luqman Michel  


This is barking up the wrong tree.

Any fool will know that the reading problems have nothing to do with Lucy Calkins or Fountas and Pinnell.

How is it possible for educators to swallow hook line and sinker what a journalist like Emily Hanford says?

Read more on my post this morning at: LINK


Kim Jocelyn Dickson: Author, The Invisible Toolbox: The Power of Reading to Your Child from Birth to Adolescence; Educator; Speaker


Hmmm. Could bringing suit against an educational publishing company be a slippery slope and set a regrettable precedent? Believe me, I’m no fan of the Lucy Calkins curriculum. But educating a child isn’t comparable to a company producing a widget and standing by its product, is it? Seems to me it raises the question of who or what is ultimately responsible for a child’s learning. Could this open the door to bringing suit against a teacher or school when a child has a bad year? Or how about suing parents who don’t read to their children, since research shows that doing so in the first five years significantly impacts their future literacy outcome?


My thoughts:

I am happy that some dare question idiotic statements.

Luqman Michel  


David Schipper, you said, 'the focus should be on efforts to adapt to teaching literacy correctly.'

The first step should be to get Baby TV to stop broadcasting its programme that confuses kids, who then stop learning to read.

I have explained it in my post here. LINK


Kathleen Seeman:


Luqman Michel - I could not disagree with you more.


Luqman Michel 


Kathleen Seeman, MEd Would you care to explain why you disagree, please?


Kathleen Seeman:


Everything in that lawsuit is 100% correct… the publishers knew that their products were not effective. They had research studies showing it- they were just making billions off of them and did not want the money to stop coming in. They basically sold out at least 2 maybe 3 generations of children. So, if you have never sat in an IEP meeting in an American school listening to parents beg for services for their child- you really don’t have a dog in this race and really should not be speaking with authority on this topic. There will be more lawsuits and those suits will be won…


My thoughts:

I have been shouting at the top of my voice since 2010 that the main problem with kids shutting down from learning to read is teaching kids the wrong sounds represented by consonants. This woman disagrees and does not answer my question. Yet, she calls herself ‘Master Teacher’. 


Luqman Michel  

Kathleen Seeman, MEd You said 'I could not disagree with you more.' in my post on Baby TV teaching the wrong sounds of letters. What do you disagree with? Don't you read before you write?

Kathleen Seeman, MEd 'Everything in that lawsuit is 100% correct'. Where do you come up with such nonsense?

Read my post at LINK

and then confirm if you want to repeat what you have said.


My thoughts:

This woman Kathleen instead of answering questions goes on a tangent and says that I don’t have authority on this topic.This woman has to be put in her place.


Jacquelyn Davis: Social Impact Entrepreneur | Nonprofit Leader |Philanthropic and Social Impact Organization Advisor | Executive Coach


This is long overdue! They should pay for the damage they caused millions of children and the reading crisis they caused!


Luqman Michel 

Jacquelyn Davis How do you know that they caused millions of children the reading crisis? Read my post at LINK.

and think before writing such nonsense.


My thoughts:

Where do they get such titles as Social Impact Entrepreneur? This reading crisis has been happening long before Lucy Calkins and is happening all over the world even in countries where Lucy Calkins programmes are not used. 

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