While waiting for HeyMrsBond to respond to some of the tweets yesterday, I would like to respond to one of the tweets by:
Lucky Earther @WreckaCenter
Maybe you could come up with your own ideas for your blog instead of poking around on Twitter to see if someone will write something for you?
For the information of Lucky Earther and the others in the thread I will explain so that they know that most of what I write is based on my own ideas. This is specifically for those who have not been following my blog.
After 6 years of teaching so-called dyslexic kids on a one on one basis I was convinced that the theory that had existed for more than 35 years, as of 2004, was incorrect. The theory stated that it was phonological awareness deficit that was the cause of dyslexia.
I wrote emails to many researchers, universities and dyslexia associations to no avail. From 2010, I wrote more than 100 articles and comments on social media disagreeing with that theory until that theory was debunked in 2017. You may read some of my articles/comments in 2010 by Googling. LINK
My name and my blog is mentioned on page 109 on the Tennessee Foundational Skills Curriculum Supplement. LINK
The above is all based on my own research that I did by teaching ‘dyslexic’ kids on a one on one basis.
My name is in the acknowledgement pages of Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties by Dr. David Kilpatrick.
Luqman Michel, a reading tutor in Malaysia, read nearly the entire manuscript and contributed countless improvements.
I have email interviews with some of the giants in education such as, Dr. David Kilpatrick, Dr. Joe Torgesen and also with educators such as Dr. Andrew Johnson, Dr. David Boulton, Dr. Richard Selznick and many others.
I have interviewed most of the experts- my students - on why they could not read when they came to me; why they could read in Malay but not in English. Does anyone know any expert who knows better than my students on why they could not read when they came to me for tuition?
Two years ago, I disagreed with Dehaene Stanislas on his brain science and reading theory. Not a single soul commented or gave an opinion on my post. But what I wrote was echoed a few days ago by an educator. Read my post HERE.
I disagreed with the scientist, Dehaene Stanislas, based on my own ideas and not by anything written by anybody.
My book Shut Down Kids was all based on my own ideas which I obtained by teaching, observing and interviewing my students. Feel free to read the book reviews on Amazon.
My book Teach Your Child to Read is based on Shut Down Kids. I have used all the tools available to teach a child to read. Many students and parents of kids who can’t read have benefitted from my book.
I hope this will convince Lucky Earther and others on that thread that I am not looking for someone to write for me. However, if MrsBond gives me ideas on what she knows about why kids can’t decode then I will be happy to post it in my blog and give her the credit. It does not matter who gets the credit as we will all die sooner or later. What we write will benefit the future generation and that is what is important.
Let us all work together to reduce illiteracy.
You may help me with my hypotheses on why Singapore is number 1 in the PISA tests while the US, the UK and Australia are not even in the top ten in the list.
Hypothesis (Part 1)
Part 2
Hypothesis Part 3
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