Friday, February 2, 2024

Turning a school around - Graham Chatterley (Part 2)


You may read part 1 HERE.

Here are more comments on the thread by Graham Chatterley. 


The point is that schools can only be successful, positive, engaging learning environments when the culture is right. Children need to see clearly right from wrong and that their actions have consequences. If not, schools become chaotic.

graham chatterley

Yes, and the leadership have the job of getting children and staff to buy into that culture. Not taking a shortcut of getting rid of all the children who are struggling.

My comment:

Yes, I agree with Graham that it should not be schools taking a short cut of getting rid of all the children who are struggling. 

But, what is the solution?

In the whole of the UK is there any school where the reading proficiency level is at grade level by the end of grade 2? If not could Graham suggest ways of improving the reading proficiency level?

Packers @TonyPackers

In 10 years as a Deputy Head I was responsible for 7 perm- exclusions. 2 went on to commit murder & the rest 5 had serious issues due to heavy cannabis use- some dealing. Of course you try everything- perm-ex is a last resort but a necessity.

My comment:

Again, these guys are all barking up the wrong tree. From the onset, if teachers teach kids correctly then almost all the kids will be able to read at grade level. If all kids are able to read at grade level, then their self-esteem will be maintained. Once kids are able to decode they will be keen on learning to read and there will be less misbehavior in higher grades as is common at present. Graham Chatterley should get some teachers to check the kids who misbehave in grades 2 upward. I’ll bet that they will be kids who can’t read.

The researchers who did the Children of the Code research discovered that a majority of kids who misbehaved were kids who could not read.

There are newspaper reports which state that many of the kids who commit suicide are kids who can’t read. They committed suicide due to shame avoidance. LINK

Once children get to higher grades it becomes difficult to control them. Their misbehavior becomes worse and they become violent.

So, let us start to teach kids to read by end of grade one and reduce illiteracy and misbehavior.

When inmates in a New York maximum-security prison beat Harvard in a debate four years ago, their victory made international headlines and highlighted the intellectual talent behind bars. We need to ask how it was possible for prison inmates to beat Harvard students on a debate. LINK

In 2023, ninety-five per cent of prisoners in Uttar Pradesh jails who sat for the Class 10 board examination cleared the test while the success rate in Class 12 was over 70 per cent. This means that kids who are sent to prison are not stupid kids but smart kids who misbehave and commit crimes. LINK

Read similar stories of student inmates in Singapore. LINK

145 Maharashtra prison inmates pass exams, secure reduction  in sentences. LINK

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