This morning, 8.2.24, I read a post in Education HQ by Sarah Duggan. LINK
Here is an extract and my comments:
All Australian governments and school sector leaders should commit to a 10-year ‘Reading Guarantee’ strategy to reduce the dire number of instructional casualties slipping through the system and ensure best practice is not left to chance, experts have proposed.
One third of all students are below the basic level of reading proficiency, Amy Haywood, Grattan’s education deputy program director, tells Education HQ.
“And the sad thing is, that it’s a preventable tragedy because we do know what strong and effective reading instruction looks like – we just need to make sure that we’re getting it happening in every classroom…” Haywood says.
I have written to the PM of Australia as well as to education officers since 2010 to no avail. The Australians think they know all they have to know about education and will not listen to any good advice.
I’ll bet that the illiteracy rate will not reduce in the next 10 years. The Australians are just too arrogant.
Here are a few of the emails I wrote to Australian educators and ministers. LINK
Here is a Tweet in 2021 by the education program director at the Grattan Institute, Jordana Hunter @hunter_jordana LINK
The following are emails to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in 2018. LINK
Meanwhile, let us not forget the nonsense perpetrated by a few of the so-called experts from Australia such as Pamela Snow from La Trobe University. Here is one of many posts on this woman. She speaks as if Moses had just come down Mount Sinai and passed on the information to her. LINK
Another La Trobe expert from Australia is Emina McLean who goes about spreading disinformation and does not have the decency to apologise for her nonsense that is repeated by many others.
Can learning 10 sounds of letters enable kids to read about 26,000 words? LINK
I am recording the following for posterity.
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