A Chinese friend says he does not understand why I say that kids taught pinyin using Bopomofo sounds may cause them to shut down from learning to read in Pinyin and English.
I have explained this in detail in my book Shut Down Kids. This post is for those who have not read my book or the posts in this blog.
Many of the kids who are classified as dyslexic are intelligent kids who disengage/shut down from learning to read. They shut down from learning to read due to confusion. The main reason for their confusion is the teaching of consonants with extraneous sounds. This means the sound that is not part of the consonants but added by teachers.
Kids are taught the sounds of letters as B ber/buh; F fur/fuh; M mur/muh.
They are then taught cuhahtuh for cat; fuhahtuh for fat etc.
The correct sounds are as per this video. Listen to the sounds of the consonants carefully. There are no extraneous sounds added.
Recently, I realized that many schools in China teach Pinyin using the sounds taught under Bopomofo. A few Pinyin charts on the Internet do not sound out the consonants. Unfortunately, some of the pinyin charts do. Pinyin is taught wrongly by teachers who teach Pinyin with sounds borrowed from Zhuyin fuhao (Bopomofo). You may read two of many such examples found on the Internet. Click here and here.
The kids who disengage from learning to read are the intelligent kids who leave school as illiterates and end up as artists or get into vocational schools.
There are only 408 syllables in Mandarin. They are to be taught as syllables and not the way they are taught as per the two videos above.
Refer to the pinyin chart in my blog post at: LINK
Let us take two Chinese words and see how they should be read.
中国 Zhōngguó China. Look at the pinyin chart for Zhong and click on that syllable. Four soundtracks will appear. Click on the Zhong marked with the first tone - Zhōng. Then look for the syllable guo. Click on it. Similarly, 4 soundtracks will appear. Then click on the guo marked with the second tone – guó. The two syllables combined is exactly how the word is pronounced – Zhōngguó.
拼音 pīnyīn Chinese romanization. Look at the pinyin chart for pin and click on that syllable. Then click on the syllable with the first tone – pīn. Then click on the syllable yin. Four tones will appear. Click on the yin marked with the first tone – yīn. The two syllables combined is exactly how the word 拼音 pīnyīn is pronounced.
There is not a single word that cannot be pronounced using pinyin. Not a single word in Pinyin can be mispronounced either.
Many teachers are messing up and getting kids confused by teaching ‘Zhong’ as - zhe ung – Zhong and ‘guo’as ger uor – guo as done by the teachers in the videos above.
I understand that China is going all out to improve the English standards of the kids in China. What the Chinese Academicians do not realise is that once kids shut down/disengage from learning to read, it is much more difficult to get them to learn to read. The top brains of China is lost because the academicians and politicians don’t know or can’t be bothered with what is going on in the education field.
Here are my one-of-a-kind YouTube videos to teach kids who have shut down from learning to read. Subscribe to the channel for more videos to come. LINK
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