Here is a post I had written on 3.8.2020 which I had not published.
One of the most shameful practices of
many American Educators is the fact that they bury their heads in the ground when
they are cornered by questions they cannot respond to.
Reid Lyon and David Boulton of the Children
of the Code fame are just two of the many.
My comment on David Boulton's 'Children of the Code' was deleted after a few months.How can anyone accept the stupid statements made by David Boulton such as the following:
Children of the Code avoided advocating solutions so as not to be dismissed as having an agenda other than learning deeper into the challenge.
It has been 15 years since the project started and how much longer do they need?
Timothy Shanahan ignores comments which he cannot respond to. He wants empirical evidence to prove that consonants should not be taught with extraneous sounds.
That sounds really silly coming from a so-called educator. Read one of many posts on him here.
That sounds really silly coming from a so-called educator. Read one of many posts on him here.
The latest of such Americans is Denise Olivera Schira, Director of
NYC Department of Education,
who decided to cut me off as a connection on LinkedIn when I posted a relevant
comment in one of her posts which spoke about American History and Shameful
My comment was:
“What do you mean by American History and shameful practices? Some of the current Americans are just as shameful in their practices.”
Isn’t it a
shameful practice to cut off someone instead of having a discussion?
She is the director of Education of NYC.
How do we expect the reading wars to end if people like the Director of
Education refuses to listen to someone who wants to share his knowledge on the
ways and means to end the Reading Wars?
I have made many comments in Timothy Shanahan’s
blog posts over the years which were never responded to. On 14.2.2020 I made
another comment and have yet to get a response. My comment is relevant to what
was posted.
The good thing about Timothy is that he
does not delete the comments unlike David Boulton, Tim Conway and many others.
Here is my recent comment:
Luqman Michel Feb 14, 2020 07:28 PM
Tim, in 2017, I have shared with you what I have learned from teaching more than 50 so-called dyslexic kids on a one on one basis. You had said that teaching 50 kids cannot apply universally.As of now I have taught more than 70 such kids and still maintain, by having observed them and 'interviewing’ them, that they shut-down from learning to read because pronunciation of sounds represented by letters are taught wrongly.The main reason why the 'Reading wars' have been going on for decades is that pronunciation of phonemes of letters are taught wrongly.Kids shut-down when they get confused. Many kids interviewed on Children of the Code 15 years ago had clearly said that they were confused.Why were they confused? They were confused because they could not connect the pronunciation of phonemes taught to the words they heard.After writing about this since 2010 and commenting on blogs such as yours I have now produced YouTube videos on this and you are welcome to listen to them and decide.There are corroborative evidence in my blog to back up my findings.Here is my first video on why kids shutdown from learning to read.
1 comment:
I discovered the above post when I wanted to write about Bethany Lee, a dyslexia advocate, who deleted all my comments on her Facebook post in August.
Why would anyone delete comments on blogs and Facebook posts?
Why not leave the comments there for others to read and give their views?
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