I had stopped teaching in 2019 but started guiding parents to teach their kids who were unable to read.
Here is an email I received from the mother of my latest student whom I weaned off last week.
Jan 17, 2022, 8:15 AM
Good morning Mr Luqman,
We couldn't express how grateful we are for your kind assistance in teaching our shut down kid. It's not easy teaching our kid on our own. Initially, we thought our kid is dyslexic and consulted with a few friends who has experienced with such kids. However, they were not as helpful. Anyway, we didn't give up in prayer & searching for more answer and God led us to your blog.
Before we started lesson with you, her reading was limited to individual 3 letters word and a few other longer words. We tried to read more to her, in conjunction with your lessons. Every night, we read Bible story to her before bed time. I would usually read aloud and she will repeat after me. After Lesson 8 with you, she took the initiative to read ahead of me, so she is now reading Bible story to me instead. The sight words from your lessons also made reading the whole passage possible. With your lessons thereafter, her reading skill improved further, in fact she has improved so much that we were very impressed she can now read 'indoor, singer, promise, important, remember'! These words may seem simple, but she couldn't have learned to read them without your teaching & guidance.
We also now confirm that our child is not dyslexic, she was just 'shut down'.
Thank you so, so much, Mr Luqman.
The following are the emails exchanged between the mother and me earlier.
Thu, Oct 21, 2021, 10:13 AM
Dear Mr Luqman Michel,
I am xxx (name deleted by me), I found your email address from your dyslexia blog. I have a 7 years old, she may have dyslexia...will you be able to teach her, guide her and provide tuition?
Thank you.
Here is my response to her. I did not know that she is from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Luqman Michel <luqmanmichel@gmail.com>
Oct 21, 2021, 5:13 PM
Hello xxx,
I can definitely guide you to teach her.
All guidance will be FOC and if you feel you want to donate for maintaining my blog when she is able to read you are welcome to donate.
Meanwhile, where do you live?
Do you have WhatsApp, Google meets facility or Zoom?
Let me ask you a few questions before I guide you along.
My WhatsApp No is 60198500258
6 is my country code.
Luqman Michel
We then exchanged a few WhatsApp messages. I asked her for a recording of her daughter reading the letter names and her daughter named the letters from A to Z correctly.
Her mother, however, told me that her daughter did not know how to sound out the letters.
The lessons started on 22.10.2021 and ended on 16.1.2022. I spent no more than 10 minutes on each lesson telling the mother via Zoom a few pointers on the lessons. The mother guided her daughter using the YouTube link I supplied her after the brief introduction on Zoom.
1 comment:
Mr. Huang Poh Lo, the only Indian who does Chinese Calligraphy, commented as follows on Facebook:
Huang Poh Lo
My grandson Rayyan is six years old who was attending Tadika 2.
When I took upon the task of teaching him, I realised that he could neither read nor write. He lacked that foundation, the basics.
When. Mr luqman knew that I printed out his lessons, he personally came and gave me three copies of his book, lessons one to thirty, and assured me that Rayyan was a bright kid based on my feedback to him.
I sent Mr. Luqman a video recording. Of the first lesson by Rayyan and was he was happy and impressed.
The books gave a platform where Rayyan could easily make his way, lesson by lesson, gaining confidence daily.
Rayyan can now rattle 20 lessons and I sent Mr. Luqman a recording of three lessons at random, and he remarked "Rayyan, you just made my day"
The bottom line is that Mr. Luqman's teaching method is simple, effective, giving any child the confidence in reading, followed by writing, to the delight of parents.
Rayyan goes into Std One in the Middle of March, and I don't worry about him reading in English or Bahasa Malaysia, thanks to Mr. Luqman on his material and methodology... That is... One lesson leads to another thereby invoking self-confidence in a child.
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