Wednesday, August 30, 2023

My 2019 project in Australia

In 2019, I dispatched a few copies of my book to a teacher in Australia and she got a few of her friends to teach kids to read. Unfortunately, Covid 19 prevented my project from being continued.

The following is a video of a dyslexic kid who was taught to read. This video shows him reading the Dolch words from the first 4 chapters of my book.



Another teacher in Australia teaching a 51/2 year old Tamil speaking kid, in 2019, to learn to read using my book - Teach your Child to Read.

A Tamil speaking 4 1/2 year old child in Australia in 2019 who was taught to read using my book.

For those in the US, you may get a copy of my book here

Here is the link for those from the UK. LINK.

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