Saturday, September 16, 2023

There are no special education needs kids - Jason Kennedy


Here is a Tweet I read this morning and my comments.

Jason Kennedy | Stop Teaching & Design Learning! @letsquitteachin

Now that school's settling in, remember there are NO:

SPED kids, 504 kids, EIP kids, RTI kids, Tier kids, Low kids, Those kids, This kid or______ kids.

They are ALL kids who can learn at high levels. Treat them that way.

The second you slap a label on them, you treat them otherwise.

In 12 hours he had more than 5,000 views and 30 re-posts.

I replied to his Tweet and I do not expect a response as he definitely does not know why there are intelligent kids who are unable to read. The ego of the Westerners prevents them from asking for an explanation. 

The Westerners create Special Education Needs Kids and write about the practice of educating students in a way that accommodates their individual differences, disabilities, and special needs.

For more than 35 years they made the world believe that it was a phonological awareness deficit that was the cause of dyslexia. I disagreed with that theory and started writing extensively from 2010 until that theory was debunked.

Read a few of the more than 100 articles and comments I wrote on social media. LINK

The first entry in the link above is ‘Scholarly articles for phonological awareness deficit luqman michel’ cited in 3 research articles.

If phonological awareness deficit is not the cause of dyslexia, then what is? This led me to write a book entitled – Shut Down Kids – available on Amazon. LINK

I then decided to write a book for parents with kids labelled wrongly as dyslexic and distributed most of the books free of charge to teachers and parents.

In addition to distributing them locally, I also sent copies to a teacher in Australia who got a few teachers to teach kids who were certified dyslexic as well as non-dyslexic kids. Here are 3 video clips of three different teachers teaching 3 kids – a 7-year-old, 5 1/2-year-old and 4 ½ year-old-kids. LINK

I posted the lessons on my blog for parents to use free of charge. A grandma from California requested me to send her 3 sets as her grandchildren found it difficult to monitor it on the computer screen.

Upon reading her request I decided to publish the book so that more parents may have access to my book.

You can get a copy of my book from. LINK


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