Sunday, January 19, 2020

Corroborative evidence – from the horse’s mouth -David Boulton

The following is what is extracted from a YouTube video by David Boulton 

The biggest obstacle to healthy learning is learning – we can learn in ways that disable our learning.

Healthy learning contributes to how well we can on-going-ly learn and act like scaffolding that extends our learning into new dimensions. 

Unhealthy learning harms, injures or maladaptively constrains how well we can on-going-ly learn and stunts or disables our learning from extending into new dimensions.

Self-healthy learning enables and extends the quality of our participation in on-going learning and self-unhealthy learning corrupts, constrains, or averts our participation in on-going learning.

We got to see that like we see black and white, red and green and if we cannot then how can we be helping these kids.

The above is exactly what I am saying since 2010. Don’t teach kids Wrong Sounds of Letters of the alphabet. This is ‘learning in ways' that disable learning of kids predisposed to shutting down.

It is ‘unhealthy learning that harms, injures or maladaptively constrains how well kids can on-going-ly learn and stunts or disables their learning from extending into new dimensions.” (adapted from the horse’s mouth)

David Boulton does talk about ‘joining the dots’ but there is no doubt in my mind that he has no idea how to join the dots. 

Here is another YouTube post by David Boulton who talks about unhealthy learning without knowing what exactly he is talking about.

… until such time that we understand that learning can fundamentally disable learning, then our education is disconnected from a critical layer of human learning.

Healthy learning creates good scaffolding; unhealthy learning creates cognitive infrastructure that goes against on-going learning.

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