Mike Bell @evidence_1st
The following is from his Twitter profile.
Author of ‘Fundamentals of Teaching’. Organiser of Evidence Based Teachers Network. Committed to making the evidence accessible to teachers.
Here are Twitter discussions between Mike Bell and me.
Luqman Michel Dec 2
I researched why kids can read in Malay and Pinyin but not in English by quitting my job and teaching > 80 kids on a one-on-one basis.
The answer to how to reduce illiteracy is simple but the white man who speaks only one language does not want to discuss this.
Mike Bell @evidence_1st Dec 3
What does "the white man who speaks only one language does not want to discuss this." mean? Please explain.
Luqman Michel
Thank you for this question. I wrote articles disagreeing with the theory that phonological awareness deficit (PAD) cannot be the cause of dyslexia. In 2010 when I started writing articles and comments on blogs that mentioned PAD as the cause of dyslexia I was ridiculed. I explained that this theory cannot be correct but PhDs could not accept it because they only spoke English. I tested my dyslexic students in 3 languages.
That theory was debunked around 2017.
If that theory was debunked should we not ask the cause of 'dyslexia'/ kids being unable to read? I know the answer but are you willing to discuss it?
Mike Bell @evidence_1st Dec 3
Why do you think I am not willing to discuss it?
Your first post appeared to be in response to my pinned tweet. I don't see the connection.
Luqman Michel Dec 3
I asked if you would discuss it because no one has discussed this with me.
My response is to your latest tweet.
Do you have any questions for me, please?
Mike Bell @evidence_1st
Are Pinyin and Malay both phonetic languages? I understand dyslexia is more common in English than in Italian - which is more phonetic.
Luqman Michel
Yes, all 3 languages are phonetic.
The Westerners duped the world into believing that phonological awareness deficit is the cause of dyslexia.
Since 2010 I challenged that theory that had been blindly followed by Westerners for over 35 years.
I wrote more than 100 articles/comments on social media until that theory was debunked around 2017.
You may Google search for my articles. LINK
Mike Bell @evidence_1st
The point I was trying to make is that the spellings in English are wildly illogical with similar spellings being pronounced differently in different words.
This makes reading English difficult.
Other languages have a consistent way of pronouncing their spellings.
Luqman Michel
Yes, the inconsistent spellings make English difficult but you and I seem to be able to read in English.
I read in English, Malay and Pinyin and with a little difficulty read in Tamil. Today is my 107 days of learning to read in Japanese.
I researched why kids could not read in English by teaching over 80 dyslexic kids from 2004 to 2019 on a one-on-one basis.
What I learned about why kids could not read in English but could read in Malay and Pinyin is what I learned from my students and not from books or from the internet.
Who is the expert on why they were not able to read in English? My students or PhDs who copy- paste what they see on the net?
Most of my students are now professionals in several fields.
I did not hear further from Mike Bell. His profile says, ‘Committed to making the evidence accessible to teachers.’
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