I asked the above-captioned question on Quora.
Paul Denlinger, who has been speaking, reading, and writing Chinese since 1958 with an
M.A. in Linguistics (Uni Master's), University of St Andrews Graduated 1980 said:
‘I have no idea.’
A Chinese woman, on the other hand, answered differently. Before reading extracts of my discussion with the Chinese woman read the following Facebook post by Benedict Morais which is relevant.
Comes Before Building Anything Else
Thousands of years ago, the Great Wall of China was built. It is today one of the wonders of the world! The leaders of that country thought that no one could climb it due to its height. They also thought it could keep marauding hordes of barbarians / invaders at bay.
During the first hundred years of its imposing existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. Each time hordes of enemy infantry were at the Great Wall they did not need to climb the wall or attempt to penetrate it. They bribed the guards and came through the doors.
How could such a powerful symbol of the country's enduring strength and spirit be overcome in such a manner?
The Chinese realised much later that the best defence against the enemy was not a mighty and fortified wall but a fortified character. With a fortified character, other important values, such as honesty, integrity, ethics, and responsibility will fall naturally into place.
In family life, community life, and national life, dare we do otherwise? Getting our priorities right is the first, important step.
The enemy is not from the outside but in China. It could even be the CCP leaders who don’t want the curious and intelligent brains to leave literate. Read my emails to them. LINK
Most of the Chinese on Quora are from Taiwan and no wonder they write about Bopomofo.
These guys may even be planted by the Westerners to mess up Pinyin in China. Bopomofo was done away with in China in the late 50s and has no place in the education of kids learning Pinyin.
The Taiwanese and the Westerners are the ones who are promoting Bopomofo in China. Many teachers in China have been influenced and are teaching Pinyin in schools in China using Bopomofo initial sounds.
Here are extracts of a discussion with Lynne Li on Quora. She is adamant that Bopomofo initials should be used in China. This is the same argument made by teachers in China and now in Sabah.
For details please read the discussion on Quora. LINK
Luqman Michel
Lynne Li, are you a teacher? I wrote an article on our discussion and want to know what you do. Our discussion confirms what I have thought for a long time.
It confirms that many schools in China teach phonics using bopomofo sounds. Please reaffirm.
I don’t understand how mo + a (final sound) forms ma.
How Fo + ei sound out fei.
I am asking this question as I want to write to the education minister in China. They should not use bopomofo initial sounds in teaching Pinyin.
Lynne Li
Why should mainland Chinese not use sounds like bo, po, mo, and fo in Pinyin to teach how to pronounce Mandarin? Who gives you the arrogance to think in that way? Could you read Chinese characters? Could you pronounce Mandarin by using Pinyin?
Luqman Michel
I am trying to find out if teachers in China teach Pinyin using Bopomofo initial sounds. That is all. I want to complain to the education minister that this is incorrect. A simple answer is all I need. I don’t want to challenge you on your questions as it will serve no purpose.
Lynne Li
Since when sounds like bo, po, mo and fo have something to do with CCP? Since both Zhuyin Fuhao and Pinyin are tools to help people pronounce Mandarin, how come they could not have the same sounds, such as, bo, po, mo, and fo?
Luqman Michel
If schools are doing this I want to complain to the authorities.
Many children in China shut down/disengage from learning to read because of using bopomofo to teach pinyin.
May I mention this conversation with you when I write to the people at CCP?
Yes, I wrote to CCP and they did not respond but I will continue my quest. Does not matter how many disagree. I know what I am talking about.
Another guy with whom I had discussed this on Quora is from Taiwan, Robert Matthews. You may read my post on our discussion here. LINK
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