A LinkedIn connection and I discussed on LinkedIn Messenger. Here are extracts of our discussion.
Phillip Chipping:
You are turning off people who could be allies to your cause. In the business world, we know that our most vocal critics can become our greatest customers and supporters. We often make an extra effort to satisfy those customers and answer their problems. These are all smart people - why the attack mode? Why not work with them instead of against them? I'm not saying to adopt what they teach, but why not ask respectfully? Are you looking for clickbait for your blog? Sensationalism over cool-headed discussion?
My response to him:
I like your hard-hitting questions. Direct and to the point.
I am not in the business world. I am not here to make money. I don’t need allies.
Smart people don’t say things like ‘With 10 letter sounds you can form 26,000 words.’
Who are these ‘smart’ people trying to con? LINK
Smart people don’t mislead people by saying don’t teach letter names. How stupid can they be? LINK
Clickbait for my blog? That is below the belt. I teach parents of dyslexic kids free of charge. LINK
You should know how much I can charge by teaching some rich man’s kid. How much would they pay me if I teach their kids to read with 2-hour lessons per week for just 4 months before I wean them?
I thought I was having a cool-headed discussion with you.
My thoughts now:
What did this guy or anyone else on Social Media do about my post on various teachers spreading lies on Social Media that will be harmful to many desperate parents of kids who can’t read? Do I call this guy naïve or irresponsible?
How many so-called teachers share my articles, comment or question?
Does this guy disagree with what I write?
Is he the kind of guy who when he hears me saying, 'Hey you fool don't drive that way the bridge has collapsed' will say I don't want to listen to you as you did not say please.
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