Saturday, December 21, 2024

Dictums (Part 1) (Diktum 1)


(Sila lihat di bawah untuk terjemahan Bahasa Melayu)

Carlo M. Cipolla's "The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity" offers thought-provoking insights into human behaviour and its impact on society. Here are 10 wonderful lessons derived from the essay.

My friend, Harold Rozario, posted the above on Facebook and commented, ‘Read numbers 7 and 9 again. Do you recognize it in your environment?’

Let’s look at the remaining 8 while I think a little more on 7 and 9. 

1. Stupidity is universal:

Every population, regardless of class, education, or background, has a consistent proportion of stupid individuals. Intelligence and rationality do not guarantee immunity from stupidity.

2. Stupidity is independent of other traits:

A person’s wealth, education, or social standing has no bearing on whether they exhibit stupid behaviour. Stupidity is an inherent and equal-opportunity phenomenon.

3. The danger of the stupid:

Stupid people are more dangerous than malefactors because their actions cause harm to others without benefiting themselves. Their unpredictability and self-damaging tendencies amplify their destructiveness.

My thoughts on number 3:

While stupid individuals may not always act with malicious intent, their lack of understanding can lead to harmful outcomes. This can be particularly dangerous when their actions affect vulnerable populations, such as distraught parents, with kids who can’t read, seeking support.

Individuals who present themselves as knowledgeable, such as reading interventionists and researchers can exploit trust. Their misleading statements may seem benign, but they can cause significant emotional and financial distress for families relying on them for guidance.

The metaphor, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing aptly describes those who, under the guise of expertise, manipulate situations for personal gain. Their deceptive actions can create a facade of help while inflicting deeper harm.

Unlike malefactors who often act with clear intent, the stupidity of these individuals can unintentionally amplify harm. They may spread misinformation or misguided advice, leading to negative consequences that affect many.

When stupid statements come from those in positions of authority or trust, it can erode the credibility of legitimate experts.

My blog consists of many stupid statements that affect parents and teachers and are detrimental to kids.

Here are a few:

i.                    ‘Learning 10 sounds of letters will enable kids to read about 26,000 words (720+ 4320+ 21,600 = 26640 words.’ (Emina McLean)

Please click on the link attached to see how many have repeated this stupid statement since 2018. LINK


ii.                  And where is the evidence that children exposed to phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency “disengage from the learning process”? (Pamela Snow)


My thoughts:

The approximately 20% of kids who leave school as illiterates each year are the evidence. They leave school as illiterates because letter sounds are taught wrongly. LINK


iii.               "Did you know that learning to read is not “biologically natural”? (Pamela Snow)  LINK

This woman copy-pasted the above question from what she read somewhere. I have said all along that if speaking is natural than reading is natural too. LINK

This woman, Pamela Snow, blocked me for asking questions as politely as I could.


While stupidity may not carry the same intent as malevolent actions, its consequences can be equally, if not more, damaging. The metaphor of "wolves in sheep's clothing" underscores the importance of critically evaluating those in positions of authority and ensuring they are held accountable for their words and actions.

When I question these PhDs I have people like Suri Charles saying things such as "What also troubles me is your approach on social media, where you seem to target professionals, including researchers, neuroscientists, and others in the field of dyslexia, questioning, criticizing, and attacking their work in a nonconstructive manner.”LINK

Terjemahan Melayu

"Undang-Undang Asas Kebodohan Manusia" karya Carlo M. Cipolla menawarkan pandangan yang menimbulkan pemikiran tentang tingkah laku manusia dan kesannya terhadap masyarakat. Berikut adalah 10 pengajaran indah yang diperoleh daripada esei itu.

Rakan saya, Harold Rozario, menyiarkan perkara di atas di Facebook dan mengulas, 'Baca nombor 7 dan 9 sekali lagi. Adakah anda mengenalinya dalam persekitaran anda?'

Mari kita lihat baki 8 sementara saya berfikir lebih lanjut mengenai 7 dan 9.

1. Kebodohan adalah universal:

Setiap penduduk, tanpa mengira kelas, pendidikan atau latar belakang, mempunyai perkadaran konsisten individu bodoh. Kecerdasan dan rasional tidak menjamin kekebalan daripada kebodohan.


2. Kebodohan adalah bebas daripada sifat-sifat lain:


Kekayaan, pendidikan, atau kedudukan sosial seseorang tidak mempunyai kaitan sama ada mereka menunjukkan tingkah laku bodoh. Kebodohan adalah fenomena yang wujud dan peluang yang sama.


3. Bahaya orang bodoh:


Orang bodoh lebih bahaya daripada penjahat kerana perbuatannya mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada orang lain tanpa menguntungkan diri sendiri. Ketidakpastian dan kecenderungan mereka yang merosakkan diri meningkatkan kemusnahan mereka.


Pendapat saya tentang nombor 3:

Walaupun individu bodoh mungkin tidak selalu bertindak dengan niat jahat, kekurangan pemahaman mereka boleh membawa hasil yang berbahaya. Ini boleh menjadi sangat berbahaya apabila tindakan mereka menjejaskan populasi yang terdedah, seperti ibu bapa yang kecewa, dengan anak-anak yang tidak boleh membaca, dan ibu bapa itu mencari sokongan.


Individu yang menunjukkan diri mereka sebagai berpengetahuan, seperti pakar intervensi membaca dan penyelidik boleh mengeksploitasi kepercayaan. Kenyataan mengelirukan mereka mungkin kelihatan jinak, tetapi ia boleh menyebabkan tekanan emosi dan kewangan yang ketara bagi keluarga yang bergantung kepada mereka untuk mendapatkan bimbingan.


Metafora, ‘Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing’ dengan tepat menggambarkan mereka yang berselindung kepakaran, memanipulasi situasi untuk kepentingan peribadi. Tindakan menipu mereka boleh mewujudkan fasad bantuan sambil mendatangkan kemudaratan yang lebih mendalam.

Tidak seperti penjenayah yang sering bertindak dengan niat yang jelas, kebodohan individu ini secara tidak sengaja boleh meningkatkan bahaya. Mereka mungkin menyebarkan maklumat yang salah atau nasihat sesat, yang membawa kepada akibat negatif yang menjejaskan ramai.


Apabila kenyataan bodoh datang daripada mereka yang mempunyai jawatan kuasa atau amanah, ia boleh menghakis kredibiliti pakar yang sah.


Blog saya mengandungi banyak kenyataan bodoh oleh pakar-pakar yang menjejaskan ibu bapa dan guru dan memudaratkan kanak-kanak.

Walaupun kebodohan mungkin tidak membawa maksud yang sama seperti tindakan jahat, akibatnya ada lah sama berat dan mungkin lebih berat.

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