Friday, December 13, 2024

John Corcoran on LinkedIn and my comments


This is a post by John Corcoran on LinkedIn and my comments.

John Corcoran:


My friend and partner, 🌎 David Chalk, was invited to speak at Stanford University’s Accelerator Symposium, working with top thought leaders on the development of a white-paper for guiding AI and Learning Differences. There couldn't be a better voice to lead this conversation, shaping the future of inclusive learning globally!


Luqman Michel:


He should give a talk on why he could not read until he was 62. How he was able to read after 11 days of coaching should be broadcast to the world. Let us together reduce illiteracy.


John Corcoran Author:

People that don't learn how to read until adulthood may have different life experiences, but very similar stories relating to their journey to literacy. Most of us, at some point in our life, gave up on learning how to read. We bought into the big lie that there was something wrong with our brains and we just couldn't learn how to read. There are millions of us. Please meet a few of us: LINK


Luqman Michel

John Corcoran, Thank you very much for this response. I am sure they have different life experiences. I have read about many of them since 2004. I quit working as an accountant at 52 to learn why many kids could read in Malay but not English.

After teaching dyslexic kids for six years I was convinced that the over-35-year-old theory that existed at that time, that phonological awareness deficit is the cause of dyslexia was incorrect. This was obvious to me as all my students could read in Malay and those who went to vernacular schools could read in Pinyin. So, how could it be a phonological awareness deficit that was the cause of my certified dyslexic students not being able to read in English?

I taught more than 80 similar kids to understand why they could not read in English and I published a book detailing the causes.

The main reason dyslexic kids can't read is due to confusion as a result of sounds of letters taught with extraneous sounds. They cannot blend sounds such as buhahtuh for the word bat.

You said: 'We bought into the big lie that there was something wrong with our brains and we just couldn't learn how to read. There are millions of us.'

Yes, this is the lie that I am exposing to the rest of the world.

Note: I listened to the video clip linked by John Corcoran. There is nothing there that I had not heard or read. The avoidance stories by the adults are similar to the avoidance stories told by the kids in the Children of the Code. LINK.

There is nothing in the video clip about why they thought they could not read when they were in school.

There is nothing there about what got them to read as adults.

Could whatever got them to read as adults have gotten them to read when they were kids?

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