Saturday, October 17, 2020

Lesson 6 - 's' for plurality and subject/verb agreement


Explain with as many examples as possible the uses of an 's' at the end of nouns and verbs.

In English, "s" is often added to the end of a noun or verb. This lesson has 2 situations that require an "s."

1.       Adding "S" to Show Plurality (more than one)

Explain in detail the difference between 1 book and 2 books; 1 boy and 2 boys; 1 tree and 2 trees etc.



2.       Adding "S" for Subject/ Verb Agreement he, she, it.


Eg. Ali is a boy. So, Ali is a ‘he’ subject.

      Lily is a girl. So, Lily is a ‘she’ subject.

      Compute is an ‘it’ subject.


The verbs for the above need an ‘s’.


Explain in detail giving as many examples as needed for the child to understand.


I sit.

You sit.

We sit.

They sit

He sits.

She sits.

It sits.

My mother (she) sits.

My friend (he/she) sits.


Form sentences with other verbs using the above format.



I eat.

You eat.

They eat.

We eat.


He eats.

She eats.

My father (he) eats.

The dog (it) eats.

John (he) eats etc.


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